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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Life Coach Tip: "Control your thoughts. Reign them in."

These words were spoken many years ago by a famous minister.  It has been about ten years since I first heard the words spoken.  Now, having learned the truth, that we can have control of our thoughts, I regret I did not know I could control what thoughts or ideas occupy my mind until a few years ago.  Because I have purposed in my heart not to live in a state of regret, I am thankful I now have the information and tools to maintain healthy and positive thought processes.

As a personal crisis life coach, controlling negative thoughts is one of the first areas I address with a client.  To show how simple it is to stop sad, ugly or negative thinking is as easy as singing a song.  That's right!!!  Do you know the mind cannot repeat the words of a song, or other memorized words, while thinking about something else?  Try this exercise.  When your mind drifts to unpleasant ideas, immediately start singing a song you love, either out loud or silently.  Sing all day if you must, but keep those negative thoughts at bay.  Read something, recite something you memorized in the past, turn on music and sing along.  Even if you are sitting at a desk at work and are not allow to have music playing, then sing silently.  Learning to banish negative thinking is a process.  The more you do it, the easier it will become.

If you are having problems with worry or unpleasant thoughts, I hope you will give this exercise a try.  It absolutely works, and you will enjoy days free of negative thinking.

Next time, I will blog about challenging incorrect thinking, things we hear over and over again that we believe are true but certainly are not.