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Monday, April 29, 2013

Personal Crisis Life Coach

Time and again, I have people ask me "What is a life coach?".  There are many types of life coaches who help guide clients into making better choices, from diet and exercise, relationship decisions, correcting bad behavior, etc..  My life coaching focuses on helping clients who have experienced a tragic or traumatic life event, get back on their feet and overcome the fear and self-doubt that often accompanies tragedy in one's life.  I use several tools to help with the process.  With access to over 46 workbooks written by Dr. Frank Minirth, a distinguished psychiatrist and author, each designed for a specific personal trauma, there is usually one or more workbooks the client can work through to help them challenge the thought processes that keep them from moving forward with their life in a positive, healthy way.  Listening is my greatest tool.  Because of the retreat environment in which I work, I make an effort to spend time with clients before I sit down with them for a personal one-on-one coaching session.  After observing a client for a while, we meet privately and I invite them to share with me the events that led them to seek help.  I listen to them with empathy and never morally judge them.  It is through this time of openess that I earn their trust so the client will be receptive to advice.  After deciding which workbooks will help the client gain emotional strength, I begin to guide them through the workbook and they work sections by themselves, then we meet together at least once a day to go over their progress.  The progress stage is different with each client.  No two people are alike, and I respect the differences in each individual.  I pray for wisdom while life coaching because helping a distraught client is a great responsibility.  Later, I will blog about another tool I use when coaching:  How to banish negative thoughts from the mind.

Meet Arnel Pineda, a true humanitarian with a larger than life vocal talent.

Four years ago, I purchased concert tickets to see the rock band, Journey, in Memphis, Tennessee.  My sister-in-law and I had second row seats, and I was thrilled to finally be seeing one of my favorite bands of all time.  I must admit, when Steve Perry did not appear on stage to sing I was somewhat stunned.  The singer was a man named Arnel Pineda.  His voice was so outstanding, I thought surely he must be lipsyncing to Steve Perry.  Well, it did not take long for me to realize it was Arnel singing, and I was shocked by his unbelieveable talent.  I would never dream anyone could fill Steve Perry's shoes, but fill them to overflowing he did.  After the show, I heard many rude and hateful comments directed toward Arnel by fans of Steve Perry, and the life coach in me kicked in.  I reached out to Arnel on Facebook, and he answered my message.  I reassured him he had the greatest singing voice I have ever heard.  As a young girl I had seen Elvis in concert, who gave me a scarf I still have, so I feel I know a GREAT talent when I see and hear one.  Arnel Pineda will go down in history as one of the greatest talents of all time.

As Arnel and I corresponded over many months, I came to learn of the School for Street Kids he was trying to develop in his home country, the Philippines.  The children who benefit from the school are innocent victims of the poverty they are born into.  Arnel knows about this because, for a while, he was a street kid himself.  I am an founding sponsor of the Arnel Pineda School for Street Kids and look forward to visiting the school in  December 2013.

The documentary detailing Arnel's life before reaching super stardom in his 40's is "Don't Stop Believing:  Everyman's Journey" which is now showing in selected theaters.  It will be available to own later this year, and I have already preordered my copy.  It is a must see.  You will be amazed by his unbelievable voice and his humble, genuine personality.  I am blessed to call him "friend".

"On behalf of the volunteers and other precious donors of APFI, and my family especially, I would like to thank you for all the unconditional support and valuable monetary donations that you, without reservation, have extended to us.  You are indeed one of our heroes and will be for the street children here in the Philippines who hugely benefit from your help.  God bless your heart, Vickie."--Arnel Pineda, March 7, 2013

Click below to see Arnel's movie trailer


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pictures in paradise

While visiting Big Creek Ranch earlier this month, I took several pictures to share on my blog.  My hope is the photos will portray the beauty and serenity of this special place where many people have found hope and healing.  Enjoy.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Things to come.......

During my life coaching trip to Hearts of Love's Big Creek Ranch, I was able to take photos of this special place to share on my blog.  Being mindful of our clients' right to privacy, only a picture or two will include images of clients.  However, all of the photos will reveal the beauty and serenity of the ranch where many clients have been helped.  This week we had clients visiting from Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, California, Texas, Israel and Holland.

My husband, Billy, had knee replacement surgery yesterday and will remain in the hospital through Monday.  I feel this is a blessing since the worst day post surgery is usually the third day.  He will be staying home for a few weeks during his initial recovery.  With the exception of a short trip next week, I will be sticking close to home, making sure Billy does not try to do too much too soon with his right leg.  Time at home will give me an opportunity to update my blog with photos and posts concerning my volunteer work, charity fundraising, community involvement and family time.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.  My prayer is something you read here will inspire you to seek help or encourage another to seek support when experiencing prolonged emotional trauma.  Also, perhaps reading this blog will spark an interest to consider volunteering your time or making a financial contribution to support Hearts of Love International, Go Red for Women or the Arnel Pineda Foundation for Street Kids.

There is nothing more fulfilling to the human spirit than giving of your time or your finances to people truly in need. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Life coaching at Big Creek Ranch Retreat

For the next few days I will be life coaching nine clients at Big Creek Ranch.  As a personal crisis life coach volunteer, I work with clients who have become emotionally paralyzed because of tragic or unforseen life events.  Helping them to regain their life purpose and joy of living is my passion and my purpose.  Please pray for God to guide me as I lend a helping hand to these wonderful individuals.