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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Things to come.......

During my life coaching trip to Hearts of Love's Big Creek Ranch, I was able to take photos of this special place to share on my blog.  Being mindful of our clients' right to privacy, only a picture or two will include images of clients.  However, all of the photos will reveal the beauty and serenity of the ranch where many clients have been helped.  This week we had clients visiting from Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, California, Texas, Israel and Holland.

My husband, Billy, had knee replacement surgery yesterday and will remain in the hospital through Monday.  I feel this is a blessing since the worst day post surgery is usually the third day.  He will be staying home for a few weeks during his initial recovery.  With the exception of a short trip next week, I will be sticking close to home, making sure Billy does not try to do too much too soon with his right leg.  Time at home will give me an opportunity to update my blog with photos and posts concerning my volunteer work, charity fundraising, community involvement and family time.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog.  My prayer is something you read here will inspire you to seek help or encourage another to seek support when experiencing prolonged emotional trauma.  Also, perhaps reading this blog will spark an interest to consider volunteering your time or making a financial contribution to support Hearts of Love International, Go Red for Women or the Arnel Pineda Foundation for Street Kids.

There is nothing more fulfilling to the human spirit than giving of your time or your finances to people truly in need.