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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Home, home on the ranch...............

Billy and I are home from Chicago and the Mrs. International 2012 Pageant.  We had a great time, and because I took a boat tour, I learned a little of the history of Chicago.  I wanted to see more historic sites, but there was no time!  Preparing for a large production pageant is hard work, but Billy was able to kick back and get some rest.  I am planning on blogging a little about each day of the pageant, but I have a few things to catch up on at home first.  The new Mrs. International 2012 is Sarah Bazey.  She was Mrs. Minnesota and a burn survivor.  I met many people and made new friends and even did some life coaching in Chicago!  Most of all, I want to say thank you to all the folks who supported and prayed for me.  Hearts of Love's message is spreading.  Maybe a little slower than I have hoped, but I will reach as many people as I can.  When someone is overwelmed by a traumatic event, they often do not know what to do or where to turn.  I am working to see they know to turn to Hearts of Love.

Friday, July 13, 2012

All roads lead to Chicago!

For the next few days, all roads will lead to Chicago for the contestants competing for the title of Mrs. International 2012.  It has been challenging and fun trip thus far, and the upcoming week will be filled with more hard work and loads of excitement!  Finding out this past week that Hearts of Love's new retreat facility, Cornerstone Lodge, will soon be opening its doors to offer help and healing for the hurting is a gift beyond compare.  Please support and pray for me as I give 100%+ while competing in Chicago to capture the crown and use my voice to proclaim my platform "Changing the World, One Life at a Time"!

Vickie Hines
Mrs. Indiana International 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What a way to finish off dinner........

Billy and I stopped at one of our favorite restaurants last night and had a delicious dinner.  When the waitress brought our bill, she informed us the restaurant's owner was a local heart surgeon and would we be interested in donating one dollar to the American Heart Association.  We both said "Yes!" at the same time!  I smiled all the way home.

The future is now!

While traveling yesterday, I received a call from Rodney Love, one of the founders of Hearts of Love.  The new emotional trauma recovery center near Dallas, Texas is now ready to begin offering services.  Cornerstone Lodge is the result of much hard work and prayer.  If you or anyone you know is having trouble moving ahead in life because of a traumatic life event, please get in touch with  They offer proven study programs and counseling to turn fear and self-doubt into courage and empowerment.

Team International

My Team International is composed of many people, beginning with my director and going all the way to my family doctor who is trying her best to get me over the bronchitis that has hindered me since February.  My pageant coach, clothier, phototographer and art technition have been professional and thorough.  Although I do not have years and years of experience as a pageant contestant, I have been associated with the pageant world for many years.  In all that time, I have never witnessed the level of talent and creativity my Team International brings to my corner.  I will be better prepared for my future because of them.

All that is pageantry..............

My mom purchased a set of Child Craft books when I was ten years old.  Included in the set was a book of famous fairy tales.  I read the book through, countless times.  I love fairy tales.  The stories are alive with characters, beautiful places, magnificent castles and happy endings.  Consequently, I have always loved pageantry.  Make no mistake, the princesses aka contestants, work to earn the right to compete and have a heart to serve others rather than be served, but during the pageant itself, for those few hours, a great fairy tale unfolds, complete with the crowning of a new queen.  To write a great fairy tale, the writer must be an artist who can create with words a beautiful and thought provoking story that will appeal to the heart of the reader, and so it is with pageantry.  The art and beauty of the Mrs. International Pageant and its queens appeal to my heart.  I applaud them.

Because he loves me..............

I do not know where to begin to thank my husband, Billy, for his unconditional support of me.  When I made the decision to become a volunteer for Hearts of Love, he volunteered to be my helper, and he is doing a great job!  Being a life coach is not without its challenges, and when I need to vent, Billy listens and encourages me.  He is also my biggest fan as I continue my hope of becoming Mrs. International 2012.  The pageant world is no place for the faint of heart, and while many men would have headed for higher ground long ago, Billy is riding the wave with me, and we are having fun together.  Thank you, Billy, for staying with me for the "long haul".  I love you.